What is 511?
511 is a free phone number that provides Utah statewide travel information.

What Travel Information Does It Offer to Callers?

  • Traffic
  • Public Transit
  • Road Conditions
  • Lake Powell Ferry Services
  • Surrounding States Travel Information

How Does It Work?
To provide accurate information for Utah drivers, 511 uses the same resources as UDOT Traffic--traffic sensors, emergency dispatch center incident data, weather sensors and closed-circuit television cameras. This information is offered for anyone calling 511 within the state of Utah.

How Do I Get Utah 511 Information From an Out-of-State Location?
To access Utah's 511 information from any out-of-state location, call toll-free: 1-866-511-UTAH (8824)

States that Offer 511 Services:

History and Future
The Federal Communications Commission designated 511 to be the nationwide number for travel information in July 2000. In December 2001, Utah became one of the first states to launch 511 services. As of November 2008, 511 services are available in 32 states across the country. The U.S. Department of Transportation has set a goal of nationwide coverage by 2010.

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National Weather Service Forecast +/-